
マックレー君の王子デビューは(恐らく)2009年10月の「眠り」。当時のレビュー記事をいくつか読んでみたら・・・ まぁ大絶賛の嵐っ!

Ballet.co Magazine のレビュー記事より

Steven McRae - of course, I knew he'd dazzle in his Act 3 solo. Did I know he'd be as eloquent in the Sarabande? Well, I'd hoped so, given his rave review in last week's Sunday Telegraph. Did I have any idea he'd be such a secure and attentive partner? I hadn't anticipated that he would subsume his natural sparkle so beautifully and movingly (just once or twice at the start of Act 2 I sensed he was having to work to do so). As a dance actor he was outstanding too, particularly in the 'Courtship' Duet of the Vision Scene, my personal heart of the ballet. He was so tender with Aurora and when he proclaimed to the Lilac Fairy that he was in love it was a gentle, hesitant delighted surprise rather than anything stagily theatrical. I don't think I'd seen such beautiful dramatic presentation in a purely Classical Roles since the halcyon days of David Wall (also red headed, of course).

He inspired Roberta Marquez to her best in that scene, cool but not cold, almost voluptuous in her seductive beckonings, and dancing that ravishing Ashton solo beautifully (although without quite the watery liquidity of Jennifer Penney, which still haunts me from 1979.....

ソロが良いのはわかっていたけど、こんなにパートナリングが上手くて、王子としての演技も美しくて感動的にいけてるなんて!特に第二幕のリラの精がオーロラの幻影を見せるシーンが素晴らしかったよう。『クラシックの役柄でこんなに美しくてドラマチックな表現はDavid Wallの全盛期以来初めて見た』といった感じ。

つづいて、Financial Timesの記事より

So, too, Steven McRae. His reading is elegant in all things: in the way he moves through the Hunting scene, in clarity of response to Aurora. In these he resembles an earlier prince among danseurs, Anton Dolin, who had been educated in this role by the example of leading men of the Imperial Ballet in Petersburg. In technical terms, McRae’s dancing is diamond-clear, brilliant-cut, superbly stylish as he places dazzling effects on the air with no suggestion of haste.




ダウエル版「白鳥」・・・ 王子の軍服衣装カッコいいのよね・・・似合うと思うわ〜 そして、この4月8日の白鳥に組み合わせるものがないと思ったら、その前日7日から「シンデレラ」が始まることに気付きました・・・。どちらもマルケスがパートナーだろうけど、この春の都さんとの「シンデレラ」でも絶賛されてたしな〜。マックレー君の王子2連発・・・はぁぁぁ〜
